iTOT Biology Tutoring Course
We have 3 Tutoring Course Packages available: 1:1, Group, and 1 Month.
Service Description
We have 3 Tutoring Course Packages available: 1:1, Group, and 1 Month. 1) 1:1 Three Month Tutoring Course [Gold Membership]: 1:1 is a one on one private tutoring 3 month course with an iTOT instructor to sharpen your knowledge on your subject of interest. To get this service, please purchase our gold membership. The iTOT Tutoring Course [1:1 Tutoring] includes: 1) 2 hours/week Private Tutoring Sessions(s) for 3 months [Total of 24 Sessions] 2) An Instructional Video Course 3) Access to 24/7 Q&A Forum Our curriculum and educational sessions completely revolve around the abilities and experiences of each student. We identify and target the gaps in learning to ensure complete academic confidence with each student. By working with one of our instructors (all from the top 100 universities in the world) 1 on 1 through a tutoring course, your student will master the material and gain complete confidence with the subject that they are learning. 2) Group 3 Month Tutoring Course [Silver Membership] This is our Most Popular Tutoring Course Package among our Students. We tailor our Online Tutoring to fit each of our students’ unique needs and circumstances. With our professional tutors and your dedication to succeed, we guarantee academic results. The Group Tutoring course allows students to learn beside peers with common educational interests. Students can collaborate with one another and succeed while getting an immersive tutoring experience as a group. The iTOT Tutoring Course [Group Tutoring] includes: 1) 2 hours/week Tutoring Sessions(s) for 3 months [Total of 24 Sessions] 2) An Instructional Video Course 3) Access to 24/7 Q&A Forum 3) 1 Month Tutoring Course [Bronze Membership] Want to try out a tutoring course? We have a 1 month course for you! Our instructor team has gotten together and made a shortened 8 session course so that students may try the tutoring experience out at a budget friendly price. The iTOT Tutoring Course [1 Month] includes: 1) 2 hours/week Tutoring Sessions(s) for 1 month [Total of 8 Sessions] 2) An Instructional Video Course 3) Access to 24/7 Q&A Forum *NOTE: Your payment will go toward stipends for our staff, donations to the charities that we work with, as well as maintenance fees for our organization. Any remaining funds will go towards providing tutoring course scholarships for the low income students and title 1 schools that we work with. We thank you for your contribution and support for our non-profit organization.*
Contact Details
Meet your Instructor on the Pool Deck. Text Vince 8087985553 for support :) King Pool, Hopkins Street, Berkeley, CA, USA