Resources for Instructors
Welcome instructors! Check out your cool gadgets and resources here. We will equip you with everything you need on your conquest of teaching.

The Omniscient Tutor Instructors' Google Drive
This google drive contains all the information and secret agent gadgets you need to be successful on your pursuit of excellence in teaching. Please familiarize yourself with every folder and file in this drive. It will come in handy when the battle gets rough!
The Omniscient Tutor EXECs Google Drive
You know that you're in the VIP zone
when you have access to this folder...this
EXECs google drive contains all the secrets and ultimate spells of iTOT. Cast any of these spells and you'll become apart of a pivotal movement to online education. This secret folder is ONLY available to the officers of the Omniscient Tutor.

Want to Join Our Instructor Team?
Want to apply to become an official instructor of the Omniscient Tutor? Please fill out this google form. It should take 15-20 minutes to read and complete all tasks. Note that all instructors will need to go through the "iTOT Instructor Tryouts" to be accepted onto the active roster. We only accept up to a max limit of 10 instructors. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and exceptions can be granted based on your previous experiences.
Want to Join Our Executive Team?
Want to apply to become an official officer of the Omniscient Tutor? Please fill out this google form. It should take 20-30 minutes to read and complete the tasks. Note that all applicants will need to go through board review and an interview process to be accepted onto the executive team. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and exceptions can be granted based on your previous experiences.

The Omniscient Tutor [Tutoring Resources]
Here are all the resources you need to start up on tutoring. Please read the handouts and guides to iTOT tutoring as well as the standards of learning. If you completely absorb all the material in this folder, then you are 70% of the way to become an iTOT tutor. The last 30% is for attending weekly training meetings and instructor seminars.

The Omniscient Tutor Instructor Tryouts Form
The instructors at the Omniscient Tutor are chosen through the "iTOT Tryouts Process." We only accept up to a maximum of 10 instructors on our active roster (who we give the option to tutor students). Other than having iTOT instructors fulfill basic weekly requirements (attending weekly training meetings, producing instructional videos, answering question on the Q&A forum, etc.), they also need to excel in their ability to teach students. Through the tryouts process,
we are able to solidify our active instructional team.
The Omniscient Tutor Tabling Schedule
Here at iTOT, we consistently table on the UC Berkeley campus weekly to gain visibility among college students. If you are an iTOT member or instructor and would like to help out our team, then please feel free to sign up on our tabling schedule. The time/day you sign up for is recurring on a weekly basis.